3d/4d Baby Scan (25 - 30 Weeks) (20 - 26 in Twin Pregnancy) €180
With this scan you will get to see your baby's face, hands and feet. Watch him/her move within the womb. This scan includes colour pictures and a DVD.
The 3d / 4d scan is a special opportunity for you to bond with your baby during pregnancy. Provided your baby is sitting in the correct position we can get 3d images of your baby and we can also get 4d video clips of your baby, the fourth dimension is the baby moving on scan. While this is not a diagnostic scan, the well-being of your baby is very important to us therefore we will check the position the babies lying in. We will check if it's headfirst or transverse or breech as in bottom first.
We will also check the blood flow in the umbilical cords to check that the placentas working correctly. We'll check the position and the appearance of the placenta. Your baby's growth can be calculated by measuring the baby's head, abdomen and femur or thighbone and this will give us the growth at the time of the scan. We will plot this growth on a growth chart for you to take away with you. During this 3d / 4d scan we will also listen in to the baby's heartbeat measure the baby's heartbeat and depending on the cooperation of your baby, we will also be able to tell you the baby's gender, if you request. You can take home black-and-white pictures of your baby, some coloured glossy pictures of your baby in 3d and in 2d and a DVD of your complete scan.
We provide you with an expected due date by comparing the first day of your last menstruation with specific fetal measurements by measuring the distance from the top of the head to the bottom of the body. These measurements are generally very accurate and can determine the age and date, even if you’re not sure of the exact date of your last menstruation. Even with this data, it’s advisable to keep in mind that these dates are only a guide, as baby will eventually have the final say on his/her arrival date!
Gender can be told upon request at no extra fee. (please note, this is not a diagnostic scan and is not intended for those purposes).
By Mrs. Jo Scobie, MM PgDMUS DPSM RM RGN.
To make a booking, please call us on 056 779 5302 or
email to reception@womenshealth.ie
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Address: Ayrfield Medical Park, Granges Rd, Kilkenny, R95 FE0H
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